petek, 12. avgust 2016

Odprto morje.

Končno sem si uspela pogledati dokumentarni film režiserja Gianfranca Rosija z naslovom Fuocoammare, 
ki ga močno priporočam. Sploh si ne morem predstavljati kako je biti v njihovi koži, po drugi strani pa me je v času begunske krize še bolj pretreslo vse to, meni povsem nedoumljivo, sovraštvo do sočloveka. 
Mar niso tudi oni ljudje?

 Kdo smo mi, da sodimo?

 Eno pa je zagotovo - najbolj pravična stvar na tem planetu je smrt. Nihče ji ne uide in ničesar ne moreš vzeti s sabo. 
Edino po čemer se takrat razlikujemo je, kako se nas spominjajo zanamci. 

Ali kot pravi v filmu dr. Pietro Bartolo: ''Dolžnost vsakega človeka je, če je človek, da tem ljudem pomaga.''

Za konec zapisa pa še en daljši citat iz filma, ki je neke vrste molitev in zahvala:

''This is my testimony. 
We could no longer stay in Nigeria. Many were dying, most were bombed. We were bombed, and we flee from Nigeria, we ran to the desert, we went to Sahara Desert and many died. Raping and killing many people and we could not stay. We flee to Libya. And Libya was a city of ISIS and Libya was a place not to stay. 

We cried on our knees: ''What shall we do?'', 
the mountains could not hide us, the people could not hide us and we ran to the sea. 

On the journey on the sea, too many passengers died. They got lost in the sea. A boat was carrying 90 passengers. Only 30 were rescued and the rest died. Today we are alive. The sea is not the place to pass by. The sea is not a road. 

Oh, but today we are alive. 
 It is risky in life not to take a risk, because life itself is a risk. 

We stayed for many weeks in Sahara Desert. Many were dying with hunger, many were drinking their piss. All, to survive, we drank our piss to survive, because that was the journey of life. We stayed in the desert, the water finished. We began to drink our piss. 

We said: ''God, don't let us die in the desert.'' 

And we got to Libya and Libyans would not pity us. They would not save us because we are Africans. And they locked us in their prisons. Many went to prison for one year. Many went to prison for six years, many died in the prison. Libya prison was very terrible. No food in the prison. Every day beating, no water, and many of us escaped. 

And today we are here, God rescue us. 

Without risk we enter the sea. If we cannot die in Libyan prison, we cannot die in the sea. And we went to sea and did not die.'' 

 foto: Fuocoammare

In še ena lepa melodija, ki se ravno tako pojavi v dokumentarcu:

Mariano Bellopede - Fuoco a mare